GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 



 GIP - FTLV de Bourgogne  Pôle Europe-Internationa   Site campus - 3, avenue Alain Savary  21000 DIJON        Tél. +33 (0)3 45 62 76 38 

The GIP-FTLV of Bourgogne and its Europe-International Pole (PEI) align with the strategy of the European Union, which renews the following priorities: inclusion and diversity, digital education, promotion of sustainable development, and active European citizenship. 

Since 2010, the PEI has been managing diverse and innovative European projects, from conception to final evaluation. 

Since 2010, the PEI has been setting up and managing various and innovative European projects, from the setting up to the final evaluation. 

The GIP-FTLV in Burgundy has once again been awarded the "GOOD PRACTICE" label for its project  « E3E: Erasmus + for Environment Education in Europe » !

Apprenticeship and European mobility in business: an opportunity not to be missed!

Erasmus mobilities for GIP-CFA ENB apprentices will continue in 2023-2024: short internship mobilities in companies (1 month) are offered to apprentices from all BTS sections of the Dijon academy.
European mobility is an opportunity that offers an opening to the world and guarantees rich experience and new personal and professional skills.

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DIGILIVES, an innovative tool to prevent dropping out